Rich Man Locker Keys

1- Once in a town lived a rich man. He had very successful business. He met a man who used to visit to his shop daily. With time they became friends.
One day rich man had to go out of town with his family. He was worried about his money kept in house.

2- He talked to this about his family, They suggested him that he should ask his friend for help.
Rich man thought that his friend stay with him most of time but still he never got any chance to test his friends loyalty and didn’t knew if he should trust him with his life’s earning.

3- Still rich man called his friend and told him about his problem and then went inside to bring keys of his locker in which he used to keep his money and gave him keys of his locker and left with his family. After few days, rich man returned to his town. Next day he informed his friend about his return in town and   invited him to his house.

4- As soon as friend entered his house, he started shouting, “Didn’t you trusted me? Why had you put rocks in your locker?? And if you hadn’t put money there then why did you gave me key of that locker?” Everyone at home was shocked to hear what his friend said. Rich man smiled and said, “But how do you know what was inside that locker?

5- You must have opened that locker in my absence.” Friend kept silent. Rich man continued, “I had kept those rocks inside that locker because i wanted to test your friendship..” Saying this Rich man asked him to leave and never to meet him again. Friend left his house in shame.

Always think Twice before Trusting Someone. It’s good to make Friends but One should not Just Blindly Trust Someone.

See French Details

1- Il était une fois, dans une ville, un homme riche. Il avait une entreprise très prospère. Il rencontra un homme qui venait quotidiennement dans sa boutique. Avec le temps, ils devinrent amis. Un jour, l’homme riche devait partir en voyage avec sa famille. Il s’inquiétait pour son argent conservé à la maison.

2- Il en parla à sa famille. Ils lui suggérèrent de demander de l’aide à son ami. L’homme riche pensa que son ami passait beaucoup de temps avec lui, mais il n’avait jamais eu l’occasion de tester la loyauté de son ami et ne savait pas s’il pouvait lui faire confiance avec les économies de sa vie.

3- Malgré tout, l’homme riche appela son ami et lui parla de son problème, puis alla chercher les clés de son coffre dans lequel il gardait son argent. Il lui donna les clés de son coffre et partit avec sa famille. Après quelques jours, l’homme riche revint en ville. Le lendemain, il informa son ami de son retour en ville et l’invita chez lui.

4- Dès que l’ami entra chez lui, il commença à crier : “Ne m’as-tu pas fait confiance ? Pourquoi as-tu mis des pierres dans ton coffre ?? Et si tu n’avais pas mis d’argent là-dedans, pourquoi m’as-tu donné la clé de ce coffre ?” Tout le monde à la maison fut choqué d’entendre ce que son ami disait. L’homme riche sourit et dit : “Mais comment sais-tu ce qu’il y avait dans ce coffre ?

5- Tu as dû ouvrir ce coffre en mon absence.” L’ami resta silencieux. L’homme riche continua : “J’avais mis ces pierres dans ce coffre parce que je voulais tester ton amitié…” En disant cela, l’homme riche lui demanda de partir et de ne plus jamais le revoir. L’ami quitta la maison honteusement.

Morale : Réfléchissez toujours à deux fois avant de faire confiance à quelqu’un. C’est bien de se faire des amis, mais il ne faut pas faire aveuglément confiance à quelqu’un.

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