A Farmer and His Wife

1- A farmer said to his wife, “you are lazy. You work slowly and lethargically. You waste your time.” The wife was angry at the words of her husband. She said to her husband, “You are wrong. Stay at home tomorrow. I will go to field. I will do your work there. Will you do my works at home here?”

2- The farmer said happily, “Very well. I will do your works back at home.” The wife said, “Milk the cow. Feed the pigs. Waste the utensils. Take care of our hen. Spin the yarn.” The woman went to the field. The farmer stayed back at home. He took a vessel and went to the cow to milk it. He tried to milk the cow. He received a good kick. He then went to the pig-sty. He hit his head against the beam. He went to feed the hen. He forgot to spin.

3- The wife returned from the field when it turned evening. The farmer hung down his head in shame. Thereafter, he did not find fault with his wife. They lived happily together for a long time.

See French Version

1- Un fermier dit à sa femme : « Tu es paresseuse. Tu travailles lentement et sans énergie. Tu perds ton temps. » La femme fut en colère contre les paroles de son mari. Elle lui dit : « Tu as tort. Reste à la maison demain. J’irai aux champs. Je ferai ton travail là-bas. Ferais-tu mes travaux à la maison ici ? »

2- Le fermier dit joyeusement : « Très bien. Je ferai tes travaux à la maison. » La femme dit : « Trais la vache. Nourris les cochons. Lave les ustensiles. Prends soin de notre poule. File le fil. » La femme alla aux champs. Le fermier resta à la maison. Il prit un récipient et alla traire la vache. Il essaya de traire la vache. Il reçut un bon coup de pied. Il alla ensuite à la porcherie. Il se cogna la tête contre la poutre. Il alla nourrir la poule. Il oublia de filer le fil.

3- La femme revint des champs quand le soir tomba. Le fermier baissa la tête de honte. Par la suite, il ne trouva plus de défauts chez sa femme. Ils vécurent heureux ensemble pendant longtemps.

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