Reward for bravery

1- There was once a kind Duke. He was loved and respected by his subjects. This Duke had a wicked brother. His name was Frederick. Frederick rebelled against his brother. He drove away the Duke. The Duke was a peace loving person. He left the Dukedom. He went to the forest called Arden. His followers also went with him. There he led a peaceful life with his followers. Frederick became the Duke.

2- The Duke had a daughter. Her name was Rosalind. Frederick also had a daughter. Her name was Celia. Rosalind and Celia were fond each other from their childhood. Celia wanted Rosalind to be with her in the palace. Frederick allowed Rosalind to be in the palace with his daughter. This was for the sake of his own daughter, Celia.

3- Sir Rowland De Boys was friend of the elder Duke who was in the forest. Sir Rowland died leaving all his property to his eldest son whose name was Oliver. Oliver was jealous of his younger brother whose name was Orlando. Oliver did not give any part of the property or money to Orlando. He did not even educate Orlando either.

4- In Duke Frederick’s court, there was a powerful wrestler. His name was Charles. No young man dared to challenge Charles. But Orlando accepted the challenge. Oliver met Charles secretly. He instructed Charles to do the worst to Orlando.

5- At the wrestling place there were many people. Duke Frederick was also there. In the earlier matches Charles threw little challengers one after another. All the three challengers had broken their ribs. They were struggling for life. Celia and Rosalind also had come there. Duke Frederick asked the girls to talk to the young man, Orlando. Frederick had felt that Charles would throw Orlando down in the fight. The girls approached Orlando. They requested him not to fight. Orlando refused gently. He said, “I have no one to care for me. I do not care even to die.”

6- The match began. Orlando was much stronger than Charles. Orlando lifted Charles above his shoulders. Then he threw him down. Charles became unconscious after falling. Frederick and all others were happy. They congratulated Orlando. Orlando told Frederick, “I am the second son of late Sir Rowland de Boys.”

7- Frederick did not like Orlando from that minute onwards, because Frederick had not liked Sir Rowland de Boys. The two girls on the contrary praised Orlando. Rosalind was happy. Sit Rowland had been her father’s friend. She then took out a chain from her neck and presented it to Orlando. This was the reward for his bravery.

See French Version

1- Il était une fois un duc bienveillant. Il était aimé et respecté par ses sujets. Ce duc avait un frère maléfique nommé Frédéric. Frédéric se rebella contre son frère et chassa le duc. Le duc, étant une personne pacifique, quitta le duché avec ses partisans et se rendit dans la forêt d’Arden, où il mena une vie paisible. Frédéric devint le duc à sa place.

2- Le duc avait une fille nommée Rosalind, et Frédéric avait également une fille nommée Célia. Rosalind et Célia étaient très proches depuis leur enfance. Célia souhaitait que Rosalind vive avec elle au palais. Frédéric permit à Rosalind de rester au palais avec sa fille, uniquement pour le bonheur de Célia.

3- Sir Rowland De Boys, un ami du duc déchu qui vivait dans la forêt, mourut en laissant toute sa fortune à son fils aîné, Oliver. Oliver, jaloux de son frère cadet Orlando, ne lui donna aucune part de la propriété ou de l’argent et ne lui offrit même pas d’éducation.

4- Au palais de Duc Frédéric, il y avait un lutteur puissant nommé Charles. Aucun jeune homme n’osait défier Charles, mais Orlando accepta le défi. Oliver rencontra Charles en secret et lui ordonna de faire le pire à Orlando.

5- Au lieu du combat, il y avait beaucoup de spectateurs, dont le duc Frédéric. Lors des matchs précédents, Charles avait jeté les challengers les uns après les autres, brisant les côtes de trois d’entre eux, qui luttaient pour leur vie. Célia et Rosalind étaient également présentes. Le duc Frédéric demanda aux filles de parler au jeune Orlando, pensant que Charles l’éjecterait facilement. Les filles approchèrent Orlando et lui demandèrent de ne pas se battre. Orlando refusa gentiment, disant : « Je n’ai personne pour prendre soin de moi. Je ne me soucie même pas de mourir. »

6- Le combat commença. Orlando était beaucoup plus fort que Charles. Il souleva Charles au-dessus de ses épaules puis le jeta violemment. Charles perdit connaissance après la chute. Frédéric et les autres furent ravis et félicitèrent Orlando. Ce dernier expliqua à Frédéric : « Je suis le deuxième fils du feu Sir Rowland de Boys. »

7- Frédéric, qui n’avait jamais aimé Sir Rowland de Boys, en devint immédiatement mécontent envers Orlando. En revanche, les deux filles louèrent Orlando. Rosalind était heureuse, car Sir Rowland avait été l’ami de son père. Elle sortit alors une chaîne de son cou et la offrit à Orlando en récompense de son courage.

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