Short Stories

Long ago, a hawk lived on the top of a hill. At the foot of the hill there was a banyan tree on which a crow used to perch everyday.
Two families lived nearby. One family was constantly fighting while the other one lived quietly and friendly.
This brought me to tears. What a powerful lesson on time.
Lily is a little girl, who is shy and reserved. But she enjoys playing soccer.
In a faraway village, lives a hardworking farmer who has grape fields.
On an unfortunate day, a man’s favorite donkey falls off a large cliff.
A Boy and Girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of Marbles and girl had some Sweets with her.
A king has six boys and one girl. He hides them in the forest so no one can find them.
A sorceress thought her three sons were out to steal her magic tricks and turns the oldest into an eagle and the second into a whale.
A poor shoemaker and his wife were going through difficult times.
A tailor’s apprentice was traveling in search of work.
An old dog Sultan overhears the master planning to kill him as he is too old to be of use anymore.
In the underwater kingdom of Atlantic, the home of the mer-people, lived a little mermaid who loved nothing more than to look at things on the surface and observe how the humans lived.
A mother goat has seven kids. She warns the kids about a wolf when she goes into the forest.
There was a Glass Mountain on which an apple tree grew.
The princess of a kingdom announces that she will marry a person who asks her a riddle that she can’t answer.
A bratty princess mistakenly drops her golden ball into a pond. In the pond, lives a frog and on seeing the golden ball, the frog comes out.
In a faraway village, lived a merchant with his daughters.
This is the story of Princess Aurora, the much-awaited daughter of the king and queen, who was cursed by an evil witch
Imagine you had a bank account that deposited $86,400 each morning.
A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted… ‘Dad, look the trees are going behind!’
Two twin boys were raised by an alcoholic father.
There are some things money can't buy.
A carpenter went home after shutting down his workshop. When he was gone, a poisonous snake entered his workshop.
An old woman wanted to cross a road. She was weak.
A farmer said to his wife, “you are lazy. You work slowly and lethargically.
A large pond has many fishes living in it. Of all these fishes, three are best friends, who are always together.
At a workshop for students, a motivational speaker begins his speech by showing a twenty dollar note.
Once, there was a huge tree with a broad trunk and innumerable branches right in the middle of a dry land.
One beautiful spring morning, a merchant loaded his donkey with bags of salt to go to the market, in order to sell the salt.
This one is sure to teach your children to be mindful and respectful of others...
Once, a lady wanted to but a talking parrot for herself. So she went to a pet shop owner and told him...
One day two friends saw a man who was limping. One of them said that the man must have born lame...
Once there lived a group of doves who went for food and water all together.On seeing their...
There was this fox who wanted to eat a bunch of grapes. He was always lured by the violet colour and...
When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then...